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Yermak, US presidential national security adviser discuss situation at frontline

KYIV. March 21 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Head of the President’s Office of Ukraine Andriy Yermak had a phone conversation with U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, during which the situation at the frontline was discussed, the Ukrainian presidential press service has said.

“Andriy Yermak briefed Jake Sullivan on the current situation at the front, including in the most difficult areas in Donetsk region. The head of the President’s Office focused on the importance of providing the Ukrainian Defense Forces with additional weapons and ammunition as soon as possible,” according to the President’s website statement.

The head of the Presidential Office thanked the entire U.S. people, the President of the United States and both houses of Congress “for the unwavering strong support of Ukraine in the fight against the terrorist state, the unwavering support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state.”