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Washington considers transfer of fighters to Ukraine to be Poland's sovereign choice

WASHINGTON. March 17 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The White House refused to assess Warsaw’s decision to transfer fighter jets to Ukraine, considering this step a sovereign choice of Poland, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean Pierre said at a briefing on Thursday.

“It is a sovereign decision that is made by a country. It’s their decision to make,” she said, responding to a request to comment on this step.

At the same time, Jean-Pierre did not answer the question of how the White House sees the consequences of this decision and its impact on NATO countries.

“We have said it is important for our partners, our — across the globe, to do everything that they can to — to help Ukraine. And so, that hasn’t changed, you know,” she said.

The representative of the White House noted that Poland had informed the United States of its decision, and the parties maintain close coordination with partners and allies on issues of support for Ukraine.

Earlier it became known that Poland plans to transfer several MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine in the near future.