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United States, Ukraine call on Russia to recommit to ceasefire in Donbas – joint statement

KYIV. Sept 2 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine and the United States call on Russia to fulfill its commitments to a ceasefire in Donbas and to make every effort to resolve the conflict in Donbas.

This is stated in a joint statement by Kyiv and Washington on the strategic partnership of the two countries, which was announced on Wednesday.

"Together, we call on Russia to recommit to the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine and engage genuinely in conflict resolution efforts to end the war," according to the document.

It clarifies that Russian aggression against Ukraine has already claimed more than 14,000 Ukrainian lives, destabilized Europe and the Black Sea region, and threatened the global, rules-based order.

"The United States does not and will never recognize Russia’s purported annexation of Crimea and reaffirms its full support for international efforts, including in the Normandy Format, aimed at negotiating a diplomatic resolution to the Russian-led conflict in eastern Ukraine on the basis of international law, including the UN Charter," according to the joint statement.

It is noted that the United States also supports Ukraine’s efforts to use the Crimea Platform to focus international attention and action on the humanitarian and security costs of Russia’s occupation of Crimea with the aim of peacefully restoring Ukraine’s control over this territory in accordance with international law.