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Ukraine waiting for new warrants of arrest for Russian political and military figures – Zelenskyy at Bucha Summit

KYIV. April 1 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine is waiting for new warrants of arrest for Russian political and military figures in relevant cases for crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said speaking at the Bucha Summit in Kyiv on Friday.

The president said significant progress in achieving justice has already been shown by the International Criminal Court, which issued an arrest warrant for the head of the terrorist state on charges of forcible deportation of Ukrainian children from the territories of Ukraine temporarily occupied by Russia.

“Ukraine fully supports and actively contributes to the work of the International Criminal Court. We are also waiting for new warrants to arrest Russian political and military figures in relevant cases regarding crimes committed on the territory of independent Ukraine. I emphasize: they must be held accountable not only to the history, but also to the court for everything they have done,” Zelenskyy said.

“There should be three elements in Russia’s full accountability. The first is the national justice of Ukraine, which will ensure the accountability of the majority of Russian murderers and terrorists. The second is the International Criminal Court, which is capable of prosecuting Russian war criminals of various levels within its jurisdiction. And the third mandatory element is a special tribunal … for the crime of Russian aggression against Ukraine” Zelenskyy said.

According to him, everyone who does not want a repetition in other parts of the world of what Russia is doing in Ukraine, should work together with our state to create a special tribunal for the crime of Russian aggression, a compensation mechanism to recover all losses caused by aggression.

“Full accountability is what teaches an aggressor to live in peace. Although it is difficult, it is going to work,” the head of state said.