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UAC asks EU to cancel veterinary control of transit at border with Ukraine to increase exports

KYIV. April 3 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Ukrainian Agrarian Council (UAC) has appealed to the EU leadership with the initiative to cancel veterinary control at the border of Ukraine with other EU countries, primarily Poland, when exporting feed grain and other feed both to other EU countries and beyond, according to the press service of the organization.

“If coarse grains or other feed of plant origin are exported in transit outside the EU through an EU country that has agreed to take part in this initiative, veterinary control should not be carried out,” according to the UAC’s appeal to President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola and European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski.

In its appeal, the UAC proposed to exempt from border veterinary control also goods transiting through Poland to customs warehouses of other EU countries that carry out veterinary control on their territory when importing these products from Ukraine and redirecting them further. According to the organization, drivers passing through the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint are waiting for veterinary control for more than ten days (previously no more than five days), and one train undergoes a veterinary examination for four-five days (previously no more than one day).

As noted, since the beginning of 2023, the export of animal and grain feed from Ukraine began to slow down at the Ukrainian-Polish border due to the introduction of enhanced veterinary control by the Polish side since March of this year and the abolition of veterinary control within the country, as a result of which trucks and wagons with animal feed and feed grain are checked at the Polish checkpoint. This led to a decrease in the passage of grain cargo through railway checkpoints with Poland in the first half of March by 28% compared to the corresponding period in February. At automobile checkpoints with Poland, in the first ten days of March 2023, this figure decreased by 36% compared to last year’s peak figure (the third ten days of September) – to 10,444 tonnes/day.