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Stoltenberg: We must give Ukraine what it needs to win as sovereign, independent state

KYIV. Feb 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg calls for providing Ukraine with everything necessary for victory as a sovereign, independent state in Europe.

“The most important lesson to be learned is the importance of North America and Europe standing together. There is no security in Europe without NATO. And the only way to preserve peace, to ensure our security is to ensure that North America continues to stand together with Europe,” he said at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday.

The NATO Secretary General said the risk of escalation will always exist, and there are no options that exclude it, but “the biggest risk is that Putin will win.” According to him, the victory of Russia will be a signal to other authoritarian regimes, which will make the world more dangerous.

He also said it is important to strengthen military potential.

NATO Secretary General said wars are unpredictable, it is unknown when and how this war will end, but he is sure that even if it ends tomorrow, the security conditions have changed and there is no return to the past.