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Progress in provision of weapons by France to Ukraine is inevitable, we will hear about results in near future – Stefanchuk

KYIV. Feb 2 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk predicts that the results of the provision of weapons and armament to Ukraine by France will be known in the near future.

issues – both military and in relation to the path to the European Union. It is very important. I think all the bodies of the French Republic will come out with relevant decisions in the near future. I think that progress in providing Ukraine with weapons from France is inevitable, and we will hear about the results in the near future," the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament said on the air of the national telethon United News Ukraine Razom on Wednesday.

At the same time, regarding the provision of Mirage fighter planes and Leclerc tanks to Ukraine, Stefanchuk clarified that the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov, together with the heads of the relevant departments of France, "are holding substantive negotiations regarding certain classification features necessary for the army, but the main principle that we managed to hear is that France will support Ukraine in every possible way." According to the Speaker of the parliament, there are no prohibitions, but at the same time there are three principles according to which weapons will be provided to Ukraine.

"The first is that it can be provided quickly, the second is that it can be used exclusively on the territory of Ukraine within its 1991 borders, and also that it will not pose a threat to the defense capability of France. These three principles have been taken as a basis, and we are already working on specific issues. I think they will be announced in the near future," the speaker said.

As reported, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk is on an official visit to the French Republic until February 2.