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Most Ukrainians mistrust prosecutors, judges, attorneys – Active Group

KYIV. Sept 13 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The majority of Ukrainians, namely 64.2%, do not trust prosecutors, according to the data of a sociological survey titled "Attitude of Ukrainians to the Ukrainian judicial system," conducted by the Active Group company with the support of Future Research Fundation from September 4 to 9.

In addition, some 62.7% do not trust judges, some 60.9% investigative agencies, some 51.3% forensic experts, and 38.3% attorneys. At the same time, only 21.3% of respondents trust prosecutors, judges 22.5%, investigative agencies 25.5%, forensic experts 32.2%, attorneys, respectively, 47.5%.

Meanwhile, some 74.9% of the respondents admitted that they personally did not have to deal with the Ukrainian judicial system on certain issues over the past two years, 14.1% faced it only once, some 8.9% several times.

Over the past two years, some 76.7% of respondents have not personally encountered unfair decisions of the Ukrainian judicial system, some 9.8% have encountered it only once, soe 6.3% have encountered it several times, some 6% found it difficult to answer.

Answering a question "How often have you heard about certain unfair court decisions in the last month from the media?" Some 21.6% of Ukrainians said they had heard from three to five times, 19.1% up to two times, 19% not once, some 15.2% more than ten times, 11.2% from six to ten times, 14% found it difficult to answer.

According to the survey, some 56.2% of Ukrainians believe that the central government influences certain decisions of the courts, some 27.6% does not, and 16.3% found it difficult to answer.

At the same time, some 55.8% of the respondents do not consider the efforts of President Volodymyr Zelensky regarding the implementation of the judicial reform sufficient, some 15.9% consider it sufficient, and 28.3% found it difficult to answer.

Soe 69.5% of the population of Ukraine have a positive attitude to the idea of ​​introducing a jury trial, some 13.3% negatively, some 17.3% found it difficult to answer. At the same time, some 66.1% believe that in difficult situations a jury trial is more effective than a regular trial; some 16% of respondents disagree with this.

The sociological survey was conducted by the method of individual interviews. The sample size was 2,000 respondents among people over 18 years old throughout Ukraine, with the exception of the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The sampling error ranges from 1.4% to 2.2%.