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LUWR Business Center to reopen in autumn 2023

KYIV. Jan 31 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The LUWR (Lukyanivka Work & Relax) business center, which was damaged in March 2022 due to missile attacks on Kyiv, will be able to fully operate in September-October 2023, the press service of the Fenix Group investment and construction company, which was engaged in the construction of a business center, has told Interfax-Ukraine.

As reported, the window structures from the 8th to the 17th floor from the side of the Kyivska Rus cinema were mainly hit.

"In the summer, we held a tender for the replacement of window structures and selected a contractor based on the criterion of optimal price-quality ratio. However, we decided not to enter the repair work into the winter and start this spring. Since it will take about six months to replace the window structures and related work, we plan that the business center will be able to open in September-October 2023," the press service quoted the owner of the Fenix Group Nazar Bench.

According to him, in 2022, all the necessary landscaping, outdoor lighting and permanent connection of the building to DTEK’s power grids were completed.

"As soon as we sign a contract to replace the glass facade, we will work to return existing tenants and attract new ones," Bench said.

He said that as of February 24, 2022, lease agreements had already been signed for 60% of the business center’s area and internal repair work was actively underway; contracts for another 25% of the areas were in the process of signing contracts.

As for the losses, the assessment carried out in the summer amounted to approximately UAH 50 million. Part of the damage was discovered only after testing the operation of all engineering systems. Given the continued rise in the cost of materials and labor (in 2022, it increased by 60% and 30%, respectively), Bench said, the monetary amount of losses will be revised.

"We understand that upon completion of restoration work, it will be higher. To compensate for the damage caused, we are considering the option of filing a lawsuit with the Kyiv Economic Court with the subsequent enforcement of its decision abroad in those countries that will move away from recognizing Russia’s sovereignty over the seized assets (all or in part), or allow collection at the expense of the assets of individuals or legal entities, persons involved in Russian aggression," the owner of the Fenix Group said.

The Fenix Group investment and construction company was established in 2016. Among the company’s projects are the restoration of the House of Trade Unions on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, and the construction of the LUWR business center (26,000 square meters).