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Less than 4,000 civilians remain in Bakhmut today, including at least 38 children – Vereschuk

KYIV. March 7 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereschuk says that less than 4,000 civilians remain in Bakhmut, Donetsk region, of which at least 38 are children.

“Less than 4,000 people remain in Bakhmut as of today. If we talk about children, then approximately 38 children, as far as we know, remain in Bakhmut today,” Vereschuk said on the air of the national telethon on Tuesday afternoon.

She said that before the hostilities, more than 70,000 people lived in Bakhmut, of which 12 thousand were children.

The Deputy Prime Minister complained that it is often difficult for the authorities to get into the city to evacuate the remaining people, and information about the specific location of people is not always available.