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Kyiv region communities receive 38 portable chargers purchased with help of Japan, UNDP

KYIV. Feb 17 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The territorial communities of Kyiv region received 38 charging stations purchased with the help of the government of Japan and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Kyiv Regional Military Administration reported.

“The handover ceremony (held on February 16) was attended by Minister-Counsellorof the Japanese Embassy in Ukraine Iijima Yasumasa, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Ukraine Christophoros Politis, Deputy Heads of Kyiv Regional Military Administration Mykola Boiko and Andriy Bratus and representatives of the territorial communities of the capital region,” the report says.

In total, 1,000 new charging stations were purchased for all regions of Ukraine. Kyiv region was the first to receive such devices. The rest of the stations will soon be delivered to local communities across the country, the statement says.

“We highly appreciate the support of the international community, in particular, from the government of Japan and the UNDP. After all, we see this as strategic cooperation and the formation of long-term relationship to meet the needs of our communities. We express our gratitude for the charging stations received and look forward to further cooperation,” the deputy head of the administration said during the ceremony.