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Korniyenko to delegation of NATO Intl Secretariat: It's time to demonstrate results in Ukraine's application for membership in Alliance

KYIV. March 31 (Interfax-Ukraine) – First Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Korniyenko expects that the session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) in Luxembourg will adopt a declaration in support of Ukraine’s application for membership in the North Atlantic Alliance.

“We expect that the Luxembourg session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in 2023 will take another important step towards approaching future NATO membership, where they will adopt a declaration with the strongest possible signals of political and practical support for Ukraine,” Korniyenko said at a meeting with a delegation from the NATO International Secretariat in Kyiv.

According to the Verkhovna Rada press service, Korniyenko said “it’s time to demonstrate significant and tangible results in Ukraine’s application for membership in NATO.” According to him, the Ukrainian society supports the NATO course, as evidenced by sociological surveys, and the Verkhovna Rada is ready to work hard and take all the necessary steps along this path.

Korniyenko said the NATO summit in Vilnius could become a fateful one both for Ukraine and for the entire Euro-Atlantic community.

The First Deputy Chairman also briefed the members of the delegation about the military situation in Ukraine. “Russia continues a full-scale aggressive war against a sovereign state and does not want to stop it. We must do everything possible not to let this war last another year,” Korniyenko said.

As reported, the NATO summit will be held in Vilnius (Lithuania) on July 11 and 12. According to information on the NATO PA website, the spring session of the organization will be held in Luxembourg on May 19 and 22.