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Avanesova Nina
Serhiienko Yuliia
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)
(Economics of enterprise)
Factors of economic security of the enterprise
At today’s stage of Ukraine’s development in the context of globalization, the problem of ensuring the economic security of enterprises in terms of sustainable development remains one of the more urgent.
Many Ukrainian and foreign scientists were engaged in the study of economic security of the enterprise such as: I. Blank, M. Bayeux, S. Bir, E. Grandry, E. Gottelmann, S. Glazyev, R. Datskiv, Z. Zhivko, O. Zakharov, E. Kamyshnikova, G. Kozachenko, O. Kirichenko, A. Laptev, T. Logutova, O. Lyashenko, V. Ortynsky, I. Stratan, V. Tambovtsev [1]. In modern literature, there are many definitions of the term “economic security”, different principles of economic security are formulated, but researchers did not come to a common opinion. Each author tries to put forward his own, most accurate version of the concepts.
In the process of ensuring economic security, various methods and approaches are used to achieve the balance of the economic system and obtain the maximum possible income. Economics, financial analysis, jurisprudence, mathematical statistics in terms of threat prediction, computer science, probability theory, etc. are met there. All factors that influence or may affect the life of the enterprise or economic system are investigated [2].
Economic security factors are determined directly by the sphere of economic activity of the enterprise. The goals and objectives of a particular enterprise create priority areas for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise [1].
The main factors of economic security include: exogenous factors – economic and political situation, fiscal policy of the state, labor resources, means of production, saturation of sales markets; endogenous factors – personnel policy of the enterprise and personnel, economic policy of the enterprise, ensuring financial independence and sustainability, management of competitiveness of the enterprise, product quality management, marketing, innovative activities, force majeure circumstances, etc.
The resource-functional approach determines economic security with the help of the temporary framework of the enterprise’s functioning, and also takes into account the state of its resource base, deserves attention. This approach is the most comprehensive, but at the same time, its capacity is its drawback, as it allows you to identify the process of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise with the life of the enterprise.
It is possible to distinguish the factors of economic security of the enterprise based on the resource approach [3]: organizational structure of the enterprise; personnel; technologies; innovations; information environment; management; the property of the enterprise; enterprise finance, etc.
Each of the factors is involved in the process of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise and at the same time is a source of potential threats.
It is important to note that the human resources of the enterprise determine the qualitative component of each factor. Work with the personnel of the enterprise and potential employees should be carried out everywhere and constantly. It is on the consciousness and qualifications of employees that sustainable growth, prospects for development and economic security of the enterprise depend [4].
Therefore, summing up the above, we can determine that the problem of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is multifaceted and multifaceted. Its decision depends on the availability of resources, on the state of factors of the enterprise, the level of management and motivation of employees to effective work. Ensuring the economic security of the enterprise is one of the most important and urgent problems of prosperity of the country’s economy.
1. Avanesova, N.E., Mordovtsev O.S. & Serhiienko, Y.I. (2020). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady identyfikatsii ta vzaiemozviazku vplyvu destabilizuiuchykh faktoriv na ekonomichnu bezpeku promyslovoho pidpryiemstva. [The Theoretical-Methodical Principles of Identification and Interrelation of the Influence of Destabilizing Factors on the Economic Security of an Industrial Enterprise.] Business Inform, 9, pp. 20–28. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-4459-2020-9-20-28[in Ukrainian]
2. Avanesova N., Serhiienko Y. (2020) Theoretical Basis of the Influence of Destabilizing Factors on the Economic Security of the Enterprise. The 3 rd International scientific and practical conference “Actual trends of modern scientific research” (September 13-15, 2020) MDPC Publishing, Munich, Germany. pp.173-176. ISBN 978-3-954753-02-4
3. Pazieieva H.M. (2017) Kompleksna diahnostyka v zabezpechenni ekonomichnoi bezpeky pidpryiemstv (na materialakh transportno–ekspedytsiinykh pidpryiemstv Ukrainy). [Comprehensive diagnostics in ensuring the economic security of enterprises (on the materials of transport and forwarding enterprises of Ukraine)]. (PhD Thesis) K.: Universytet ekonomiky ta prava “KROK”.
4. Yefimov V. V. (2014) Udoskonalennia mekhanizmiv zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi bezpeky derzhavy i biznesu [Improving mechanisms for ensuring the economic security of the state and business]. (PhD Thesis): Lviv: рр.191.