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Belova Maryna
Kartashova Svitlana
Meish Yuliia
(Kyiv, Ukraine)
(Сучасні методи викладання)
Today software developing process plays an important role in education reform, which makes it possible to widely use information and computer technologies. At the same time, to train highly qualified specialists, competitive in the world labor market, it is necessary to provide an adequate level of training for students.
Mathematics is taken a significant place in the system of specialists training in various fields in higher educational institutions (universities), for which mathematical knowledge is professionally important. Mathematics is the language of engineering research and calculations, the basic core of physics, chemistry, general engineering and special disciplines. [1]. However, all students need to acquire the ability to analyze the situation, to highlight the essence of issue, to master the logic of reasoning, to generalize statistical material, to correctly interpret the situation. All these qualities are developed in the process of higher mathematics studying. Taking into account today’s requirements and prospects for development of higher education, training must reach a new qualitative level. One of the topical problems of higher education is creation of such methodical training systems that would widely use modern information and communication technologies. The criterion for the quality of education system is knowledge and technology updating speed. Innovative educational technologies are one of the most promising areas of education. Element of this training system is electronic textbook. It allows you to illustrate information in dynamics, it can contain a large number of tasks and examples that can be updated periodically, hypertext – a method of non-linear information delivery (the user himself manages the information issuance), and with its help, you can monitor knowledge. By means of certain software, it is possible to analyze knowledge and to evaluate the quality of this knowledge according to a certain scale. The ability to conduct online gaming lessons includes the factor of interest, the competitiveness factor, but, regardless of this, it is an effective motivated process of students’ logical activity. Rating system teaches students to study systematically and creatively. The main goal of introducing electronic textbook into the process of studying at universities is to increase students’ interest in the discipline of “Higher Mathematics”, their understanding of need for studying this subject, dynamics of improving the quality of knowledge on this discipline among students [1].
E-education is a part of the whole education system, it can be used in all forms of education in Ukraine, officially established: full-time, low-residence and non-residence. E-education technologies might be used both in “pure” form, and in various combinations with other types of training [2, с. 189].
The development of the Internet and electronic environment in general opens up new study opportunities for people with disabilities; citizens who are in detention facilities; potential and nursing mothers; military personnel; people who are not dismissed from work, etc. Distance educational technologies allow to increase professional qualification in accordance with students` interests and needs, to receive education directly at the place of residence, to reduce education cost [3].
In general, the level of e-education development in Ukraine does not correspond to the rates of development of information and communication technologies, the institution of virtual education has not been formed. The further development of e-education will make it more demanded and competitive, more accessible and effective. The leading role of information and communication technologies is a key factor in education development and human capital development in our country.
1. Belova M.A. Motivation to introduce perspective teaching methods of higher mathematics. European Humanities Studies: State and Society/ Belova M.A., Gladka Y.A., Mashchenko L.Z. – Krakow: Fundacja im. Reja, – 2017. – № 4(I). p. 4 – 15.
2. Belova M.A., Meish Y.A. Rating of the use some innovative means of studies of students’ higher mathematics education in technical areas of training «System analysis»/ Proceeding of the 1th International Symposium on Intellectual Economics, Management and education» .Vilnius: Publishing House Faber Ltd-Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2019. – p.188 – 190.
3. Spivakovskyi O.V. Theory and practice of using information technologies in the process of preparing students of mathematical specialties: monograph / O.V. Spivakovskyi. – Kherson: Aylant, 2003. – 288 p.