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Kyiv court lifts ban on RTVI broadcasting in Ukraine – channel

MOSCOW. Nov 19 (Interfax) – An appellate court in Kyiv has upheld the appeal of RTVI and lifted a ban on the television channel broadcasting in Ukraine which was imposed by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine more than 18 months ago, RTVI’s press service told Interfax.

"The Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal in Kyiv has reversed the decision of the National Council [of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine] of March 6, 2020 that recognized programs of the RTVI television channel as noncompliant with the standards of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television and provisions of Ukrainian law. This leads to the conclusion that Ukrainian providers cut off transmissions of the television channel and terminated contracts with RTVI unlawfully," RTVI said in a statement.

RTVI is ready to resume broadcasting in Ukraine, it said.

"The court has admitted that the National Council was not entitled to issue a decision to restrict rebroadcasting of RTVI and that it overstepped its authority by recognizing the content of the television channel’s programs as noncompliant with the convention," RTVI CEO Olga Piven said. "This is a landmark decision not only for our television channel, but also for other foreign channels broadcasting under European License in the territory of Ukraine," Piven said.

RTVI’s press service noted that when imposing the six-month ban on rebroadcasting RTVI in September 2018, the National Council cited "a systematic violation of provisions of Ukrainian law."