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Nibulon exports 64% of agricultural products in Q1 through new branch in Izmail

KYIV. April 5 (Interfax-Ukraine) – JV Nibulon LLC (Mykolaiv), one of the largest operators of the Ukrainian grain market, exported 655,000 tonnes of agricultural products in January-March 2023: through the grain corridor – 238,000 tonnes, and through the new Bessarabsky branch in Izmail – 417,000 tonnes, or 64%.

“The upward trend is clearly visible. So, last year, Nibulon exported 751,800 tonnes from March to November. This year, in the first quarter alone, the company has already exported 655,000 tonnes of agricultural products,” the company said on Facebook.

According to the grain trader, 125,000 tonnes of agricultural products were exported in January of this year, 195,000 tonnes in February, and 335,000 tonnes in March.

Most of all, in the first quarter, corn was delivered to foreign markets – 341,000 tonnes, wheat – 270,000 tonnes and barley – 28,000 tonnes.

The grain trader noted that it would continue to adapt its trading activities to new realities while the usual export routes remain blocked.

From January 1 to November 15, 2022, Nibulon supplied 1.7 million tonnes of grain to foreign markets, of which only 750,000 tonnes were exported from March to November, which is 2.6 times less compared to March-November of the previous of the year. By reducing exports, the grain trader increased its share in the domestic market to 6.3% of total exports from the country.