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Rada provides legal, social protection to Ukrainian citizens deprived of liberty due to armed aggression against Ukraine

KYIV. Jan 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Verkhovna Rada has protected, socially and legally, Ukrainian citizens against whom the fact of deprivation of personal liberty as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine has been established.

A total of 278 deputies voted for relevant bill No. 6104 at the plenary session on Wednesday.

The draft law defines the procedure for making decisions to establish the fact of deprivation of a person’s personal freedom as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine, the powers of the central executive authority that ensures the formation and implementation of state policy on the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, the procedure for the payment of monetary assistance to such persons or their family members.

The law applies to citizens of Ukraine who have been deprived of their liberty by the aggressor state and its bodies in connection with the protection of the state sovereignty of Ukraine, who are part of the security and defense forces and belong to one of the categories of persons defined by the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949 and the Additional Protocol thereto concerning the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts of June 8, 1977 and civilians.

The bill provides for the payment of state monetary assistance to such persons or their family members (annual, one-time – after release and in case of death).

According to the law, a unified register of persons with respect to whom the fact of deprivation of personal liberty as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine has been established will be created.