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Theoretical foundations of student training in the field of life safety
Онопрієнко Єлизавета
(Черкаси, Україна)
(Освіта у напрямку безпеки життєдіяльності,
охорони праці і цивільного захисту)
Numerous psychological, pedagogical, methodological and other studies are devoted to the problem of life safety in the system of professional knowledge. Scientists have developed a variety of theoretical and methodological foundations and approaches, determining the content, forms, methods, means of life safety, and as a result a division of a single educational space into many educational fields (technical, humanitarian, social, methodological, etc.) occurred.
We note the most important approaches that have been implemented and disseminated in the concepts of development of the educational field of life safety:
• technical and engineering aspects of life safety, including safety in the technosphere, safety of technological processes, protection in emergencies, etc.;
• aspects of ensuring the life safety, related to the maintenance of a certain quality of life and human activity, formation of its culture of safety, formation of worldview and spiritual and moral foundations of an individual, his/her civic position;
• provisions related to the formation of a safe behaviour type in the system of continuing education.
To implement the existing priority areas in the safety of life, the necessary training of specialists in the system of higher professional education is carried out. The formation of specialists in the field of life safety is a multifaceted process, which is influenced by both the whole complex of modern dangers and the requirements of scientific and technological progress, which are constantly changing and have an impact on the social order (training of such specialists). Thus the basic requirements should correspond to the maintenance of pedagogical activity to result of such activity – formation of qualities of the person of safe type of behavior. Thus, in relation to the object of pedagogical activity of the life safety specialist, which includes those who study, the general and personal conditions are determined, as well as the components of the activity in the form of methods, forms and means of teaching.
In addition, the purpose of the professional activity of this specialist in the field of life safety determines certain requirements for the his/her personality, which consists in the formed cognitive component (knowledge of life safety), activity component (professional abilities and skills) and personal component (personality qualities). The structure constructed in this way is able to lead to the expected result, which is the readiness of the life safety specialist to countinually improve knowledge, skills, competencies, organization and so on.
Thus, the analysis of the theoretical foundations of training students in the field of life safety allows us to draw the following conclusions:
1. Modern life safety is closely linked to various fields of education. This relationship unites, complements and systematizes issues aimed at revealing the essence of learning of the individual, society and the state in modern natural and man-made and social conditions.
2. The variety of approaches and areas of training of specialists in life safety provides an opportunity to form their qualifications from engineering to pedagogical. Thus, the pedagogical component in training experts on life safety is directed on development of qualities of the person of safe type of behavior.
3. Institutions of higher education face the appropriate tasks of further adjusting the training and education of specialists, improving the quality of training in accordance with modern requirements of scientific and technological progress, social order and the achievements of science. This task is facilitated by the improvement of curricula and programs.
4. The disciplines of subject training and specialization disciplines connected in a single system will promote formation and development of knowledge, abilities and skills, competences of life safety directed on professional development of the life safety specialist and the carrier of ideas of the person of safe type in system of continuous education. life safety.
1. Воробієнко П. П. Безпека життєдіяльності : навч. посібник / Воробієнко П. П., Захарченко М. В., Орел Л. В. – Одеса : ОНАЗ ім. О. С. Попова. – 2013. – 276 с.
2. Гришанова Н. О. О новой парадигме развития профессионального образования/ Н. О. Гришанова// Вестник высшей школы. – 2007. – № 4. – С. 8 – 12.
Науковий керівник: канд. філос. наук, доцент Вороновська Л. Г.,