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Ukrainian nuclear scientists find no radioactive contamination after occupiers in Ivankiv, Poliska communities of Kyiv region

KYIV. Nov 7 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Specialists of the state enterprise State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety did not find radioactive contamination in the territories of Ivankiv and Poliska communities (Kyiv region) after the presence of Russian invaders there.

"According to the results of the survey, no radioactive contamination of objects, premises and sites was found, which could be associated with the activities of the occupiers," the company said on its website.

Specialists conducted a survey of Ivankiv and Poliska communities on October 24-27, 2022 as part of the crew of the RanidSONNI mobile radiological laboratory.

"The survey was carried out in order to identify radioactive contamination and radioactive materials that could be taken out by the invaders outside the exclusion zone and the zone of unconditional [mandatory] resettlement as a result of a violation of the radiation safety regime," the message explains.

At the same time, educational institutions, medical institutions, public places, private houses, roads, streets, military and household items were subject to examination.

The report also states that radiation survey work is being carried out as part of the project, the purpose of which is to identify and reduce the risks of public exposure due to contact with radiation sources/radioactive contamination, as well as to reduce public anxiety due to conditional risks associated with the stay of the occupiers in the zone.