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At 1000, the conference "Development of Member Business Associations of Ukraine" will start at the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School. The conference will feature a presentation of a training program with an online learning component for business leaders, which can be joined directly at the event. The conference will be opened by: Head of Cooperation Programs of the Swiss Embassy in Ukraine Nicole Ruder; UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Ukraine Manal Fowani; Deputy Dean of the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School Eduard Maltsev. The conference is held in online format (ZOOM). To receive an invitation to participate online, follow the link and register:

At 1230, a press conference on the topic: "How Much are Private Enterprises More Efficient Than State-Owned Ones: an Analysis in 10 Years" will start. Organizer: NGO "Center for Economic Strategy". The following are invited to participate: Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Kristina Holubytska; First Deputy Head of the State Property Fund Denys Kudin; Chairman of the Board of StateWatch Oleksandr Lemenov; YouControl financial analyst Roman Kornyliuk; MP, Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development Roksolana Pidlasa; economist of the Center for Economic Strategy Bohdan Prokhorov; Executive Director of the Center for Economic Strategy, moderator Hlib Vyshlinsky (Ukrinform, 8/16 Khmelnytskoho Street, Hall 1). Accreditation of media representatives: [email protected]. Due to quarantine restrictions, the number of places is limited. The event will be broadcast on the website and YouTube channel of Ukrinform:

At 1400, the online presentation of the information-analytical bulletin "Review of the State of Land Relations in Ukraine" will start. Participants: Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Dzioba; First Deputy Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Anatoliy Miroshnychenko; expert at the Center for Food and Land Use Research at the Kyiv School of Economics Roman Neiter. Format: online broadcast on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy:

The full version of announcements is available on subscription to the Interfax-Ukraine Announcements Daily.