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Zaitseva Valentina Mykolaivna

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Ph.D., Professor

Tsviliy Sergiy Mykolaiovych

Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

Gurova Darya Dmytrivna

Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Ph.D., Assoc.Prof.

National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic»


(Регіональна економіка)



Post-coronavirus formation in Ukraine of a modern highly efficient and competitive tourist complex requires solving a number of tasks, namely: improving the regulatory framework and system of public regulation of tourism, creating a modern tourism market on the basis of competition, deepening specialization and cooperation in tourism micro-companies development of various types of tourism, introduction of public-private partnership mechanism, stabilization of micro-business, modernization and transformation of regional tourism infrastructure to global standards, digital integration of Ukraine into the world tourist space, sustainable development of international cooperation in tourism to realize domestic interests business, protectionist policies to promote the creation of tourist destinations.

In general, meeting the needs and demand for tourism implies the need to provide a large number of tourist services. From the point of view of economic activity, tangible and intangible tourist services are of interest to micro-business. The subjects of post-coronavirus relations in the context of tourism are the organizers and sellers (tour operators & travel agents) of the tourist product, their contractors (service providers: hotels, restaurants, carriers, tour operators) and buyers (consumers), both complex tourist product and separate tourist services. Thus, the business of tourism micro-enterprises is an organized work, which uses capital, recreational resources, means of production, staff, digital space for the production and sale of tourism products [1]. In the post-coronavirus business space of tourism important stages of micro- enterprise activity should be: adequate planning of tourist services and quality control of tourist product: preparation of tours, their methodological support, preparation of contractual documentation, work with insurance and other interested organizations (1); determination of the method of realization of a tourist product taking into account technological, information achievements and experience of the global tourism industry: independent realization or through other firms, commission sale through intermediaries or creation of an extensive dealer network (2); innovative ways to stimulate sales: virtual fairs, exhibitions, competitions, auctions, travel lotteries, seasonal benefits, loyalty programs for regular customers, promotional tours, etc. (3); selection by competencies and implementation of smart-personnel management of a travel company: calculation of the number of employees, formation of staff smart- schedule, development of digital-instructions, entrepreneurial innovative forms of remuneration, introduction of smart-regulations of micro-enterprises (4) [2].

The transformation of the regional tourism economy to the post-coronavirus era is accompanied by the emergence of management problems that are extremely complex

in content, their solution must be found by combining the efforts of leading scientific schools using the results of retrospective analysis of economic tourism systems in the conditions of COVID-19, both nationally and internationally. It should be assumed that the creation of a new paradigm of regional tourism economy is becoming an additional factor in its globalization. The search for a vision of development during and after the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually transforming the region’s tourism sector into an effective mechanism for developing optimal steps towards a systematic vision of a comprehensive strategy, taking into account the interests of firms. However, micro- enterprises in the region often find themselves at a disadvantage in the market, as large- scale competitors have much stronger capital, an attractive brand and strong leverage. The operators of the regional market have an additional organizational, legal and economic burden. From this point of view, the traditional approach to the use of classical tools to combat competitors is ineffective and requires immediate review, as well as the entire management system of the micro-enterprise on the specifics of the business. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the formation of post-coronavirus business space in the regional sphere of tourism on the basis of economic security.

In the post-coronavirus period of tourism there is a need to review approaches to the formation and provision of economic security in order to maintain a stable position of enterprises in domestic and international markets, both in real and digital environment. The structure of economic security of the tourism sector of the region will have the following components: environmental, financial, investment, social, innovation, as well as functional components. In turn, the composition of the system of economic security of the tourist micro-enterprise is logically expressed by the components: tourist, technical and economic; financial, personnel, information. The success of the enterprise in the conditions of transformation will depend on the constant monitoring of its positions, research of the strengths and weaknesses of its own business and competitors, the ability to adapt to the changing regional business space. Thus, the concept of “safety in tourism” includes: safety of tourists; safety of tourism entities and the state; safety of the environment [3].

At the present stage of development of the tourism economy of the regions, a large number of domestic micro-enterprises are in crisis and that is why the management faces the urgent task of forming an effective strategy for economic security of micro-companies in this area to counter external and internal threats, protect economic interests, ensuring the economic security of the micro-company in this area in order to counter external and internal threats, protect the economic interests of the

enterprise, ensure stable development, increase efficiency. Depending on the size and production capacity of the enterprise, the availability of resources, scale and specifics of the problems to be solved, different approaches should be used to form a strategy to ensure its economic security. In recent years, domestic tourism companies are creating special units in the structure, the main task of which is to ensure economic security. However, most of these units do not have an effectively functioning system of economic security and this aspect significantly reduces the efficiency of their business and necessitates the development of this strategy. At the same time, the creation of such units is a positive vector for the development of modern micro-enterprises in the region and shows the understanding of tourism market participants of the main tasks of economic security of the travel company.

It should be noted that the formation of the system of economic security and the creation of entities depend on the size of the enterprise and capabilities. Practice has shown that micro-business, small firms use the services of external specialized private agencies (consulting, security, detective). Medium-sized businesses can use a combined system of economic security, relying on the capabilities and resources of their own units with partial involvement of the potential of external firms. It makes sense for large companies to create a full-fledged system of economic security with their own powerful service. It should be added that the concept of economic security of a travel micro-company involves the efficient use of resources for stable operation in the post-coronavirus business space at the operational stage and the stage of sustainable strategic development. To ensure the economic security of the micro- company, it is necessary to use a set of business resources (business factors in tourism, which are used by the owners and managers of the firm to achieve goals) [4].

Modern economic literature has a wide arsenal of methods and techniques for studying the economic security of micro-entrepreneurship in the region. However, given the complexity of this economic category, its dependence on economic, social, political, historical, religious, technological, psychological and other factors of society, the purpose, objectives, principles and indicators of tourism micro-entrepreneurship in the region depend on the existing system of government and are based on methodological approaches, methods, evaluation methodology that is acceptable for its evaluation. In any case, the micro-company must fully and effectively use theoretical and methodological approaches to ensure economic security in forming its own position in the post-coronavirus business space of the regional tourism sector in order to quickly restore business activity.


  1. Belikova, M.V., Pruss, V.L. (2018). Suchasni transformatsiyi svitovoyi sfery turyzmu [Modern transformations of the world sphere of tourism]. Skhidna Yevropa: ekonomika, biznes ta upravlinnya – Eastern Europe: economy, business and management, 6 (17), 21 – 28 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Tsviliy, S., Gurova, D., Korniienko, O. (2020). Postcoronavirus development of the regional tourist destination on the principle of public-private Biznes- navihator – Business-navagator, 4 (60), 134-138 [in English].
  3. Zaitseva, M. (Eds.) (2021). Turystychna haluzʹ Ukrayiny v period Yevrointehratsiyi: teoretychnyy aspekt [Tourist branch of Ukraine in the period of European integration: theoretical aspect]. Zaporizhzhsa: NU “Zaporizʹka politekhnika” [in Ukrainian].
  4. Zaitseva, , Filei, Yг. (2010) Pravove rehulyuvannya turystychnoyi diyalʹnosti [Legal regulation of tourism]: navch. pos-k. Zaporizhzhya : Prosvita. 220 s. [in Ukr.]