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Over third of companies still considering relocation before year end – IT Ukraine

KYIV. Aug 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The possibility of relocation until late 2022 is still considered by 37% of IT companies, these are the results of a study conducted by the IT Ukraine association together with the law firm Sayenko Kharenko "Relocation. New IT landscape of Ukraine."

According to them, 23% of companies plan to combine relocation abroad and within Ukraine, and 14% of respondents are considering partial or full relocation abroad.

It is indicated that the relocation is largely considered by IT companies as a forced step for the period of the war, or at least its active phase.

The study notes that 55% of the IT companies surveyed have not yet relocated: 25% have switched to remote work, and 30% work remotely and partly in the office.

Among IT companies that have relocated, relocation within Ukraine prevails (45%). Some 42% of companies have partially relocated abroad, of which only 5% of companies have closed part of their offices in Ukraine.

At the same time, none of the surveyed IT companies has carried out complete relocation abroad.

In addition, none of the interviewed IT companies intends to completely shut down their business in Ukraine.

According to IT Ukraine, the study was conducted among the members of the association, which currently number more than 120 companies.