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KSG Agro invests almost UAH 6.5 mln in pig vaccination

KYIV. Feb 28 (Interfax-Ukraine) – In 2022 and early 2023, KSG Agro Agricultural Holding spent about UAH 6.5 million on vaccinating its pig population, more than 275,000 doses of the vaccine were used during this period, including 20,800 doses for sows and 220,400 doses for piglets.

According to a press release from the holding on Tuesday, vaccination made it possible to avoid outbreaks of such dangerous diseases for animals as erysipelas, circovirus, African swine fever (ASF), parvovirus, epidemic swine diarrhea and colibacillosis at the KSG Agro pig farm. In addition, the prevention of hemophilia was carried out. During vaccination, preparations of Ukrainian and European production were used.

“Even in difficult times, during a war period, this item of expenditure should by no means be saved. For example, if we are talking about epidemic swine diarrhea, then sows weakened by it give birth to weak piglets, which subsequently die. And full-scale vaccination improves the health of young animals, reducing the death rate of newborn piglets by 20-25%. This is one of the components of the growth of the herd and the growth of shipments of pork to consumers in Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia,” head of the board of directors of the holding Serhiy Kasyanov is quoted in the press release.