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Korniyenko proposes Shuliak's candidacy for post of Servant of People party's ahead

(Paragraphs 4-6 have been added)

KYIV. Nov 15 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Leader of the Servant of the People party, first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Oleksandr Korniyenko, proposes the candidacy of Olena Shuliak for the post of the party’s head.

"Our idea is that the head of the party is not only its leader and deputy, but is engaged in party building twenty four seven. Olena Shuliak just clearly understands all the problems of the party, has the necessary leadership qualities to lead our party ship to its destination and not run aground," Korniyenko told Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

He noted that he decided to resign as the chairman of the party in order to focus on the work of the first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

The MP said that Shuliak is deputy head of the parliamentary faction of the Servant of the People party, deputy head of the parliamentary committee for organizing state power, local government, regional development and urban planning, and heads the coordination council on problematic issues of urban planning.

According to him, before being elected to the parliament, Shuliak was engaged in entrepreneurial activity for a long time, was one of the 18 founders of the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs, as well as a member of the board of the Office of Effective Regulation public organization, in 2014 she ran for Kyiv City Council, and in 2019 was elected a MP from the Servant of the People party and in the same year became a representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada.

Korniyenko said that he will remain a member of the Servant of the People party and will continue to actively participate in its activities.