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ILO improves estimate of job losses in Ukraine due to war

KYIV. Nov 4 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The International Labor Organization (ILO) has improved its estimate of the loss of jobs in Ukraine due to the war to 15.5%, or 2.4 million below the 2021, pre-war, level, while in April of this year it estimated it at 30%, or 4.8 million jobs.

According to the published report, the positive change is a consequence of the reduction in the number of areas of Ukraine under occupation or with active hostilities.

At the same time, the large number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees looking for jobs in Ukraine and elsewhere adds to the challenges and is likely to create downward pressure on wages.

According to the document, 10.4%, or 1.6 million people, of the country’s total pre-war workforce are now refugees in other countries. This group is overwhelmingly women, with many having worked previously in the education, health and social care sectors. A recent survey found that, so far, 28% of the Ukrainian refugees surveyed had found waged or self-employment in their host countries.

The organization said that The effects of the conflict are being felt in neighbouring countries’ labour markets which could lead to political and labour market destabilization in these countries.

"Further away, in Central Asia and globally, they are being reflected in higher and more volatile prices and increased food insecurity and poverty," the ILO said.