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Georgia's local elections well-organized – U.S. ambassador

TBILISI. Oct 4 (Interfax) – Voting in local elections in Georgia on Saturday has concluded.

According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), over 3,700 polling stations closed 8 p.m. and vote counting began.

The United States’ Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan, who participated in monitoring the elections, told reporters that at the polls which she had visited in person, voting proceeded calmly, was well-organized and people were prepared to comply with Covid rules.

The elections were held both under the proportional-representation and majoritarian systems. Voters were electing 2,068 members of municipal representative bodies and 64 mayors of towns and self-administrations.

This year is the first time that vote counting will be recorded by cameras at 3,200 polling stations where the number of registered voters exceeds 300, the CEC said.

The elections were monitored by local monitoring organizations and over 1,000 international observers.