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Gas reserves in Ukraine's UGS reach 14.7 bcm as of early Nov – Naftogaz

KYIV. Nov 4 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Natural gas reserves in underground storage facilities (UGS) in Ukraine reached 14.7 billion cubic meters at the beginning of November, according to the consolidated report of NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy published on Thursday.

In particular, the enterprises belonging to the Naftogaz group own 11 billion cubic meters of gas from the accumulated volume.

"The accumulated volumes, together with the constant own production, are assessed as sufficient to meet the needs of the group’s current portfolio of consumers. Any additional volumes of gas, including imported (if necessary), will be purchased only with direct financing from the state. However, the possible absence of such financing will not affect the ability of the group to continue its activities on an uninterrupted basis," the document states.