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Ecological education of students-geographers at studying of a course «geography of soils with bases of soil science»
Zavyalova Tetyana Vasylivna
senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Geography and Geology Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Ecological education of students-geographers at studying of a course «geography of soils with bases of soil science»
The course «Geography of soils with the basics of soil science» is of particular importance for geographical education. It is a basic course in the system of physical-geographical disciplines of pedagogical institutions of higher education [5,7]. At Bohdan Khmelnytsky Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, this course is taught to second-year students in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Geography) in the fourth semester in the amount of 210 hours (7 ECTS credits).
Getting acquainted with the process of soil formation as a consequence of the interaction of all components of nature, as well as studying the patterns of spatial distribution of different types of soils due to changes in geographical conditions, the student gets an idea of complex ecological relationships in nature. In the system of secondary education, great attention is paid to the ecological and geographical characteristics of the soil. Students get acquainted with the soil throughout the learning process. Therefore, a geography teacher must have a high enough level of knowledge from the course «Geography of soils with
the basics of soil science».
Every future specialist of the national economy, every conscious person should have a general idea of the peculiarities of the current ecological situation, as well as the main directions of state policy in the field of environmental protection, use of natural resources and environmental safety.
The study of the discipline «Soil Geography with the Fundamentals of Soil Science» at the Faculty of Natural Geography has an ecological focus, as this course provides scientific explanations of the complex relationships between the pedosphere ‒ the Earth’s crust, society and human economic activity. It reveals the ways and principles of rational use and protection of soil cover. In this regard, the readiness of the student geographer for environmental education at school is considered one of the priorities of his professional and pedagogical training.
Especially great opportunities for environmental education of students open up when lecturing on the geography of soils in the characterization of soil and bioclimatic zones of the world and the laws of geographical distribution of soils on the globe. The study of patterns requires the disclosure of causal relationships that exist between soil and soil-forming factors. Considerable attention is paid to the ecological conditions of soil formation and analysis of human economic impact on the soil cover within the soil-bioclimatic zones and including the territory of Ukraine. In addition, the soils of virgin and cultural landscapes are compared, the examples consider certain areas of use of the world land fund and land fund of Ukraine, acquaintance with the peculiarities of salinization, surface waterlogging, deflation, wind and water erosion as components of integrated soil monitoring. Students get acquainted with the main state legislation, such as the Law of Ukraine «On Environmental Protection», «Land Code of Ukraine», which have environmental, resource-saving and reproductive nature [1,2].
Of particular importance is the ecological orientation of the course in the process of acquainting students with the classification of soils by purpose. Thus, in practical classes, recreational soils, agricultural soils and forest soils are singled out in a separate link, and a comparative analysis is given in terms of their modification due to anthropogenic impact. It is important to acquaint students with the areas of improving the ecological condition of irrigated lands, where there is flooding, secondary salinization, water erosion, destruction of the natural structure of soils, etc. [6].
In practical classes on the course «Geography of soils with the basics of soil science» during laboratory experiments, students receive information about the qualitative composition of humic substances, study their characteristics and impact on soil quality. It is very important in the classes to get acquainted with the data on reclamation measures, irrigation and drainage of lands, which forms students’ understanding of the essential need for their rational use.
In the process of studying the topic «Land Resources of Ukraine» in addition to the general land fund, the distribution of arable land is considered and considerable attention is paid to their plowing, intensification of agriculture, which causes significant environmental problems.
This approach allows to form in the future specialist ‒ a teacher of geography, on the basis of interdisciplinary knowledge, professional competencies, which are aimed at the ability to be a leader of environmentally friendly life, to have a comprehensive understanding of soils and their ecological connections.
In the process of teaching soil geography in the second year the most important topics for the formation of professional environmental skills of students are such topics as «Study of soil composition and properties», «Physical properties of soil», «Chemical properties of soil». The topic of the practical lesson should be especially highlighted: «Abiotic factors of the terrestrial ecosystem, their description and analysis». The content of the material of the above topics contributes to the formation of certain skills and abilities to study the qualitative and quantitative composition of soil (ability to conduct field research of soils: techniques of digging holes, morphological description of genetic horizons, sampling, etc.; to identify relationships to give an economic assessment of natural productivity of lands on the basis of studying the patterns of soil distribution by profiling and a number of similar works; possession of profiling by studying the soil; etc. [3,4].
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