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Ecological aspects of teaching the course «general geography» in pedagogical institutions of higher education
Ivanova Valentyna Mykhailivna
senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Geography and Geology Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University
Ecological aspects of teaching the course «general geography» in pedagogical institutions of higher education
Physical geography plays a leading role in the environmental education of geography students. It studies the integrity of the natural environment through a system of knowledge about the geographical envelope, biosphere, the cycle of matter and the transformation of solar energy, the relationship of components of nature, natural-territorial complexes, which allows students to show students the unity of the Earth’s nature. at the global, regional and local levels [1,6].
The study of the discipline «General geography» is provided by the state standard and curriculum for students majoring in 014.07 Secondary Education (Geography). It belongs to the cycle of physical-geographical disciplines of compulsory study.
The initial stage of the study of physical geography is the study of the course «General geography», which gives an idea of animate and inanimate nature, serves as a basis for further study of geography, biology, chemistry. It creates certain opportunities for students to form a scientific-materialist worldview based on ideas about the unity of nature, the close relationship and interaction of its elements, its continuous change and the relationship between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.
The purpose of studying the discipline «General geography» is to identify general patterns of structure, functioning and development of the geographical shell in unity and interaction with the surrounding space at different levels of its organization (from the universe to the atom), establishing ways of creation and existence of modern natural (natural and anthropogenic) situations and trends of their possible transformation in the future.
Tasks of the discipline:
- study of the composition of the geographical shell (its geospheres and components);
- study of the structure of the geographical shell ‒ the nature of the links between the components of the geospheres and the processes that provide these links;
- finding out the reasons and ways of forming the structure of the geographical shell;
- identification of patterns of development of the geographical shell (its components and the whole);
- identification of spatial patterns of formation of the structure of the geographical shell (its components and the whole);
- formation of knowledge about the structure, origin and modern dynamics of processes occurring in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere [5]. After completing this course, students clearly understand the importance of certain areas for life on Earth and give examples of interaction between them; know the peculiarities of the nature of their locality, give examples of the impact of human economic activity on the environment, understand the consequences of
this impact; contribute to the study and protection of the nature of their locality.
The course «General geography», in our opinion, contains a huge amount of environmental information. For example, the study of the lithosphere emphasizes the impact of human activities on the terrain, the seabed (mining; construction of navigable canals that deepen the bottom; construction of dams that cause changes in geological structure; construction of reservoirs that increase seismic activity, etc.). The study of the hydrosphere involves consideration of such important issues as sources of water pollution, the impact of water pollution on flora and fauna, measures to protect against pollution, water protection. When forming the concept of «atmosphere» it is necessary to address the issue of air pollution and the need to maintain its cleanliness. The study of the biosphere emphasizes the importance of preserving wildlife, considers issues related to human impact on the biosphere, reveals the relationship between nature and human activities in their area [1,3,4].
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