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Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in ukraine
Tonkonoh I.V.
Associate Professor of Foreign Philology and Translation
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Yuvkovetska Yu. O.
Associate Professor of Foreign Philology and Translation
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
«ОСВІТА» (Підсекція «Дистанційна освіта у вищий школі»)
Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in ukraine
Due to the pandemic that began in 2020, the whole world was quarantined, which led to an economic recession, the lockdown of all air transport and the service industry. There is a demand for distance learning, it is not only students or schoolchildren, all educational institutions in the world are moving to distance learning. Discussions on the topic of distance learning are taking place even today. Our task is to find out the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning in Ukraine, and why this issue is still controversial. Despite the fact that the whole world has been studying for him for a year, he is called “learning the future”.
Distance learning is becoming more officially “acceptable” and complete not only in terms of the learning process, but also in the process of legality. On November 2, 2020, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) recognized distance learning as a separate and full-fledged education:
- ensuring the acquisition of complete general secondary education by distance form (as a separate form of education);
- use of distance learning technologies during the organization of full general secondary education in various forms (full-time (day, evening), correspondence, network, external, family (home), pedagogical patronage), including during quarantine and other emergencies).
When using distance learning, various methods of conveying information can be used, from a presentation to an interactive lecture or seminar. As with any new teaching method, it has its supporters and opponents. Distance learning plays an important role in preparing for the Unified State Examination (USI). Thus, we have an observation from which we can determine the results and draw conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, because today EDI is crucial in becoming a future graduate of a secondary school. With the help of the research, priority tasks for further development of this branch of education on the territory of Ukraine were identified. Undoubtedly, distance learning is playing an increasingly important role in modernizing and improving Ukrainian education.Next we will talk about the main topic of this work. In the course of the study we want to highlight the following dispositions of distance learning:
- Ability to learn material that would not be possible to learn in full-time education, due to lack of equipment, or a large program that is not very similar to this format.
- Opportunity to fully educate people with a person with a form of physical development, especially in Ukraine, where educational institutions are not adapted for people with special needs.
- Possibility of quick and accessible parental control over students’ knowledge or progress.
- Ability to centralize the educational process in different regions.
- Increasing the amount of time that can be devoted to learning, due to the fact that you do not have to spend time on the way to school, develops the habit of teaching and seeking the necessary information yourself.
- The first point in the advantages is the lack of equipment in the school, but the same problem may be with teachers or low-income students.
- Disadvantages include inadequacy of teachers or students, full-fledged distance learning, and low level of computer skills.
- “Theorizing” of learning, reducing the learning process to mechanistic techniques and methods.
- Lack of social contacts of pupils or students who improve adaptive skills.
- Lack of individual approach to students.
It should be noted that in addition to these traditional and understandable shortcomings that are characteristic of distance learning in any country, Ukraine has some problems with distance learning. After the lockdown introduced in March, the Ukrainian education system was not ready to work remotely. Most pupils and students did not study at that time, as educational institutions could not quickly switch to the new format of learning in a lockdown. There is a problem with the Internet connection, the problem with Internet access in some schools does exist, in particular in rural areas, and especially in mountainous areas. “We couldn’t download Zoom, and children can’t communicate with either the teacher or classmates. I call the teacher to find out what tasks need to be done,” Public Transcarpathia quoted Yulia Khodanych-Basirova, a mother of two students at the Velykolazov Lyceum, as saying. in the Uzhhorod district. She notes that the Internet and mobile communications in their village are poor, and this affects the education of her children. The next problem is very delicate, it is the lack of free space for parents whose students study at distance learning. Lack of each, free, educational place for each student living in the dormitory.
Conclusion: Distance learning is really the training of the future, which saves time and increases the effectiveness of the training program. Nevertheless, distance learning requires training and concrete actions, such as digitalisation of the population, in the sense of informing and learning distance learning. It is necessary to change the structure and adapt distance learning to achieve greater efficiency, in particular:
- Development of additional courses to compensate for missing knowledge;
- Strengthening the protection and control over the main distributed computer databases and electronic centers;
- Introduction of an electronic version of the point rating system.
- Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу: https://ru.osvita.ua/vnz/reports/adv/46958/
- Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу: http://ru.osvita.ua/legislation/Ser_osv/77298/
- Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу: https://www.dw.com/uk/koronavirus-lokdaun-ta-onlain-navchannia-yakymy-ye-realii-ukrainskoi-shkoly/a-5627
- Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу: https://mon.gov.ua/ua/news/za-pershij-misyac-roboti-platformoyu-vseukrayinska-shkola-onlajn-skoristalisya-majzhe-5-mln-raziv
- Електронний ресурс. Режим доступу: https://life.pravda.com.ua/columns/2020/03/25/240340/